How do I get off of this Listserv?

Seriously, how can I get off this thing? I’ve been getting these emails for like six months now ever since I put my name on some list at the events fair. I’ve never even been to an Outing Club meeting. I mean sure, rock climbing and kayaking sound great, but I just don’t have time for this stuff. How can I take my name off the list? I just don’t understand why I’m still on it. Don’t they, like, go through it once in a while and get rid of the people who never show up or something? I’m getting sick of deleting these emails. I already get enough crap from the stuff I am involved in, I don’t need… Oh, great, here’s another one! I don’t care about your exec board elections, I don’t even know who these people are! Ugh, will someone please take me off this listserv??