Game of Thrones Season 5 Conclusion Revealed

WESTEROS—With season 5 of HBO’s hit Game of Thrones debuting this past weekend, The Flipside interviewed David Benoiff, one of the creators of the popular show. about the upcoming controversial conclusion to Season 5.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this article will contain spoilers for both book readers and television-series-watchers alike. Please tread carefully. If you keep reading, you’ll experience one of those my-friend-just-told-me-Dumbledore-is-going-to-die-but-I’m-still-on-book-four moments.
Just for emphasis, we’re going to restate the serious implications that reading the rest of this article will have on your state-of-being. We are aware that there are those whose lives revolve around Game of Thrones, to the point of naming their articles of clothing after their favorite characters and/or dragons. These individuals are strongly encouraged not to read on, as you will most likely be very disappointed in either the outcome of the series, or in the fact that you now know the outcome of the series.
Ok, here goes nothing.
One more time, we would like to explicitly state that under no circumstances should anyone read on for any reason unless he/she is fully aware of the consequences that will come with knowing what is below this paragraph. Please, for the sake of your sanity, don’t read on. Just don’t.
Ok, now here goes nothing.
You have been warned.
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