Sororities Raise Standards on Preview Day

EVANSTON — Northwestern’s Panhellenic Association made changes to the sorority recruitment process prior to Preview Day this Sunday. Delta Delta Delta Delta Chapter President Kate Denning said, “More and more girls are going Greek, and chapters are changing how they look at their future sisters. Ten years ago, even a brunette would get a bid from Quad-Delt, but now that approximately 40% of girls here are Greek, we’re raising our standards.”
Sororities are adding new elements to the rush process, such as a race to the frat quad in five-inch heels (extra points for stilettos, wedges are cheating), and not eating any cookies the entire week of recruitment. While the ability to complete these tasks were once only seen in ideal girls, these are now becoming standard qualities.
Weinberg freshman Kylie Higgins said, “I though Greek life at NU would be a little more relaxed than the sororities at Southern state schools, but it might even be more intense. I heard at one house, you have to take a hundred question written test that includes questions about group Halloween costumes, low calorie lattes, and new things to put letters on besides ear-warmers. I’ve been studying, but I don’t know if it’ll be enough.”
Quad-Delt isn’t alone in its efforts. Zeta Alpha Zeta is planning to measure blondeness (on a scale of Gwen Stefani to Jennifer Aniston) and, because of Northwestern’s academic reputation, how long it takes to complete a Harry Potter Sporcle quiz.
Chapter President Laura Paine said, “While some may think these extra measures are harsh, we’re really trying to be inclusive while getting the best from what the class of 2016 has to offer. The last thing we’re trying to do is bring affirmative action into it.”