Local Woman Unsure What Eye Color to Put on Driver’s License Because Her “Eyes Actually Change Colors”

“I used to think they change based on my mood, but now I think they actually change with the phases of the moon,” she continued.
“I used to think they change based on my mood, but now I think they actually change with the phases of the moon,” she continued.
EVANSTON—Last night around 1:45 AM, SafeRide driver Jimmy Sloan was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol while transporting Northwestern sophomore David Bernstein from a ZBT frat party to his south campus residence. According to Evanston police officer Ralph Williams, Sloan attempted to street race on Sheridan Road with an Intercampus shuttle which was not willing to join him. Said Sloan, “I give him the look, you know? The bus driver made eye contact with me so I knew