Tag Archives: Ford

Joe Biden Dazzles White House Press Corps by Driving New Electric Truck Over Journalist at Top Speed

After a lightning-fast lap around the facility, Biden continued speeding directly towards the group of journalists unobserved, aided by the silence of the new state-of-the-art electric engine. However, they were soon made aware of his presence as he ran over the journalist who had earlier asked him for comment at top speed.

George W. Bush Proud of Being Able to Name Half the Presidents on Sporcle

CRAWFORD, TX—Former President George W. Bush was described as “the happiest he’s been in years” Thursday after he successfully named 22 of the 44 U.S. Presidents on the popular trivia quiz site Sporcle. “George was strutting around the house, grinning like he won the lottery,” explained his wife Laura, “I haven’t seen him that happy since we got Saddam.” Mrs. Bush reported that her husband got off to a strong start, naming most of the early presidents and some more