Ask Flippy: Is Kidnapping and Arson Going Too Far for a Guaranteed Win at Bob’s Trivia?

Hey there Flippers,
Recently, a couple of buddies and I mosied our way on down to good ol’ Bob’s Pizza for a spot of trivia. Whole time, we were doing pretty well — got a good number of questions right, and even a TASTY TREAT from one of the tossups (a jug of their finest moonshine to nurse for the rest of the night)! But not all was well: when the final question came around, we bet 40 points on our answer and — get this — lost. For the fourth week in a row, Lord save me. Now I’m sick of this, and convinced that Bob Himself is after our rightful loot, so I been thinking — would kidnapping him, holding him for ransom, and preparing some firebombs in case the dastardly establishment won’t meet my demands be going “too far” to guarantee a win at next week’s trivia?
Mr. Trevor Owh
Dear Trevie O.,
You and all our readers know that I take a particularly hard stance on crime — more specifically, that it’s often the best way to make some good of a bad situation! If you need materials for your victory-assuring plan, I’d highly recommend swinging by an ACE; they’ve got the helpful hardware folks. And we’re so close to finals that I’m sure Market at Norris and Lisa’s are stocking up on gasoline, rags, and chloroform, so swing by and support your local businesses.
Happy hunting,