Trump Repeals Two-Gender Executive Order After Mistaking “DogMan” For The New Third Gender: “Now That Sounds Cool.”

Just a week after signing an Executive Order calling for the government to recognize the only genders as male and female, Trump has repealed the order after hearing about the upcoming movie, “Dog Man.” Although the film is based on a children’s book series about a fused Dog and Man, Trump mistakenly took Dog Man to be “the new third gender,” as he put it. And while Trump vows to devote his time in office to taking away the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, Trump says he fervently supports the D (as in Dog) community. He even went as far to espouse praise for the Dog Man identity, declaring, “Now that sounds cool.”
“You can either be a girl, a boy, or a Dog Man. It’s quite simple,” Trump said while repealing the executive order. When asked why he supported Dog Man but not non-binary people, Trump said non-binary people “shove it in your face,” while “Dog Man just exists,” despite Dog Man having a full movie about themself, and actually shoving it in everyones’ face. Because that is how the promotion of movies works. Trump doubled down further on his support when a reporter tried to explain that Dog Man is a fictional half police officer – half police dog. “Of course Dog Man would back the blue,” he said.
Conservatives in Congress have followed in Trump’s footsteps, enthusiastically endorsing Dog Man. “Of course there are more than two genders!” representative Lauren Boebert said. “I would never deny a Dog Man their right to exist!” When questioned why she could so easily use they/them pronouns for Dog Man but not for non-binary people, Boebert sharply pivoted and began screaming about transgender operations on illegal aliens.