University Answers Mental Health Pleas, Hands Out Adult Coloring Books, Gold Star Stickers

“I wouldn’t have minded more Kleenex, and maybe a little bit of Prozac, but I can’t complain.”
“I wouldn’t have minded more Kleenex, and maybe a little bit of Prozac, but I can’t complain.”
“It’s just really nice to know they care, you know? To know that they recognize how hard this has all been.”
“Every day we would see mail destined for similarly named schools misdelivered here. We were getting sick of having to forward it all,” says Felicia Staamp, (42°N)orth(87.4°W)estern’s postmaster.
As midterm season begins, the Northwestern administration is reminding students to avoid audibly sobbing when in the silent section of Mudd library. “Please be courteous to your fellow students,” said administration member Adam Harrison. “If you’re going to burst into tears at the thought of how hopelessly unprepared you are for your exam or just because of a general existential dread, please move out of the silent section.” The administration is asking students in the silent section to, at the