Category Archives: No. 257

Pete Davidson Really Missing Life of Two Weeks Ago, When He Could Shop at Sears

Last week was tough for SNL cast member Pete Davidson, who reportedly enjoyed a “blissful and carefree” summer. On October 15th, Sears filed for bankruptcy, bringing Davidson’s happiness to a halt. Pete was one of Sears’ biggest fans and most loyal shoppers, even tattooing the Sears logo on his body. Now that Sears is no longer financially solvent, Pete has gone through the painful process of covering up tattoos that were once so meaningful to him. “I’ve been covering a

DNA Test: Warren About as Diverse as Northwestern Student Body

A DNA test recently revealed that Senator Elizabeth Warren is between 1/64th and 1/1,024th Native American, making her about as racially diverse as Northwestern. Junior Karla Driver was comforted upon hearing the news. “I think it’s important to have politicians who make wild and unsubstantiated claims to Native American ancestry,” said Driver, whose A in her freshman-year Gender and Sexuality Studies class entitles her to comment on most social issues. “We need politicians to look like a classroom on this campus:

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