Drunk Friend at Tailgate Will Totally Get Lunch with You Soon

Unfortunately, their spring quarter interactions were limited to quick hugs on Sheridan accompanied by hurried apologies for not staying longer.
Unfortunately, their spring quarter interactions were limited to quick hugs on Sheridan accompanied by hurried apologies for not staying longer.
“The best sushi I’ve ever had,” commented Patricia Woods, WCAS ’20, a premed chemistry student, originally from Ames, Iowa. “It tastes like someone from Japan actually made it!”
“Because generous tippers like myself find it weird to see a woman on the money we use to tip strippers, and an old woman at that.”
“We didn’t see the problem at the time,” The FBI announced at a press conference, holding a still-wet iPhone suspended in a bag of uncooked rice.
How can we claim to be a liberal university when such crimes of bigotry are happening under our very noses?
“What about the boys from that nice Jewish fraternity? You’re mother said some of them were pretty cute, you’d have someone to go to Hillel events with!”
I hope you’re doing well and that you’re comfortable sitting at that big table all by yourself. I can see that you like sushi based on the half-eaten Seafood Delight sitting two feet to your right.
Your beverage of choice should be beer, and when we say beverage of choice, we mean the ONLY ACCEPTABLE BEVERAGE. Start knocking back those PBRs and Busch Lights now to give you a head start.
Here, you see that the outline of the logo is a hexagon. A hexagon has six sides. Six divided by two is three. Now you begin to see.
2007 was really the golden age for a lot of popstars, but none so much as Britney Spears. Sure, she’s done some stuff since, but the only Britney we want has a shaved head and brandishes an umbrella.