Op-Ed: Thank God Dillo is Online, I Couldn’t Find Funky Shorts to Match My Rainbow Tube Top

I found the perfect rainbow tube top at Urban this summer. Ever since then, I’ve been looking for the right pair of funky shorts, to no avail.
I found the perfect rainbow tube top at Urban this summer. Ever since then, I’ve been looking for the right pair of funky shorts, to no avail.
“Uncle Bob just drinks consistently throughout dinner, but occasionally he says ‘Cheers!’ and clinks his wine glass and his vodka tonic together before downing both,” says Brenda.
“After the event, we can just take a big net and scoop everybody into it. Just grab each person’s Wildcard information and send them home.”
“We wanted to rise above the limitations of metaphor and really drive home the lack of consequences.”
Unfortunately, their spring quarter interactions were limited to quick hugs on Sheridan accompanied by hurried apologies for not staying longer.
10:07 – red bull walking around? Giving out energy. Tastes like hand santitizer fucked an old eaten melon.
Inside the illicitly-occupied buildings, things were getting a bit crazy. Freshman boys from Bobb pretended to know how to smoke marijuana and only coughed a lot a little.
Julie Barrett, 53, feels to be one of the most afflicted, which pushed her to spearhead the “Bring Me Your Stoned and Wasted,” an association of Evanstonites who are missing the smell of fresh yard-puke in the morning.
Berelli allegedly spent the past weekend cavorting in a drunken stupor for fifty-four straight hours. Friday night she was seen skinny-dipping off the shore of South Beach at approximately 2:40 AM.
What, are you all going to lord my mistakes over me just because I commit them on a weekly basis?