Op-Ed: My National Coming Out Day Was That Damn TND a Month Ago

When that no-longer-anonymous poll cycled around to questions on sexual orientation and gender identity, gay students faced a dilemma
When that no-longer-anonymous poll cycled around to questions on sexual orientation and gender identity, gay students faced a dilemma
I’m reaching out this week because I’ve had a concerning thought cross my mind: am I gay quiz?
Before I knew it, I had run out of cool gay fits to showcase
This wasn’t just to queerbait — we’ve got a lot in store for fans of Kongzilla.
What started as a routine check-up turned into an experience unlike any other, except maybe one other.
The public response appears to be mostly positive. The LGBTQ+ community has been quick to embrace this advancement of relations between machine and man, hailing it as “the Third Industrial Revolution”.
“Originally I was undecided,” claimed Cohen, “but after my parents thought that I meant ‘happy’ when I told them I was gay, I knew that I needed to take drastic measures to communicate my sexuality. So I charged my US Gay & Lesbian History textbooks to my family’s Amazon account.”
WASHINGTON – President Obama has stated that his views on same sex marriage are “evolving,” culminating in an interview where he announced his support for the practice. The scientific community has since been abuzz looking for theories as to why this transformation occurred. The first main camp contains the gradual evolutionists. Evolutionary Biologist William Smith summarized this position, saying, “Obama has had a long political career and has gradually adapted to a changing environment via natural selection.” He added, “Those
EVANSTON—In an unwitting display of complete factual accuracy, a McCormick senior proclaimed that Rainbow Week was “gay” on Friday. Chad Block, a mid-forward on the Ultimate Frisbee team, was examining a Norris bulletin board when he made his truthful declaration. “Man, how gay is that shit?” he said to Joe “Broseph” Leibowitz, a senior rugby hooker. Leibowitz was shocked. He commented that this is one of the first times he’s seen Block use vocabulary correctly. “He’s not so good with