Northwestern To Cancel Aggressive COVID Countermeasures, Will Instead Impose Economic Sanctions

Figora and Northwestern are not afraid to stand down in the face of danger
Figora and Northwestern are not afraid to stand down in the face of danger
Dr. Frankenstein has worked tirelessly for the past year containing the Monster, pushing the German population to observe distancing of 60 meters from the Monster at all times.
Reports from test audiences found Kanobi to “get under people’s skin”.
“Authority. Betrayal. And super-spreader events.”
“Have a crush on Dr. Fauci? Come watch some of his press conferences with us!”
“Because of my unbeatable toe fungus, I was the one voted out of the company.”
“I got a vaccine plug from a buddy of mine in Kappa Delta Moderna, and I was just looking to get lit, get wild, and vaccinate some shawties,”
This new line of shampoo claims to offer the same gentle cleaning and exfoliating properties of regular shampoo, without any of the life-threatening circulatory issues.
“Too long hath these Pfizer and Moderna knaves parried with the virus. They flash thine fancy swords and dance around in thine gilded boots, but those swine’s art COWARDS. Sir Johnson shall end it all in a single blow!”
“I’ve seen them with someone named NAVICA a lot recently, and I’m worried about our relationship,” said Color. “I heard she goes a lot deeper than me.”